Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
-Christopher Reeve ("Superman") 
  I can actually agree with this quote because anyone can be a hero. Even with the littlest things.
From opening doors for other people to giving someone CPR and saving a life.
For example...My step-father is my hero. He would always be there for me and supports my decisions. He can be very embarrassing but he's still the best. He once saved my little sisters life. My sister accidentally fell on her back while she was riding her bike. She couldn't breathe and turned blue. He then rushed towards her and gave her a CPR. Within a minute she was breathing again. We we're really thankful. Even though he and my mother split up years ago, He is still my step-father and I will always love him.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I am Bella (From the book Uprising By Margaret Peterson Haddix )

I am positive
I hear the cars if New York City
I see so many people walking
I remembered my family back in Italy
I want to gain some money
I promise this will work
I am positive

I worry about my family
I want to work
I have to do this
I am alone
I cry for hours and hours
but I am ready..ready to be successful 
I am positive

I understand why many people don't like me
I dream to go back
I hope one day we will live in harmony
I will try my best
I am positive

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The theme for this book is gender.

The reason why i choose this book is because the front cover looked very interesting, and so did the summary on the back of the book. I'm predicting that this book will be about female fighting for their rights and then chaos will start.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Just letting you know..right now. That is blog is gonna be soooo random.
So enjoy some gifs.  (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻